Electrical panels saved by DSPA
Electrical Panel Fire Suppression
Electrical cabiets, switchgear panels or transformer panels are used by many different industries and sectors. They all have one thing in common: the loss of an electrical cabinet or switchgear is devestating to each production process and a direct threat to your business continuity. It is therefore not a surprise that more and more companies decide to protect these cabinets and panels in the best possible way: from within the object itself with a DSPA extinguishing system.
This week we've been informed about a fire in an electrical panel, where a DSPA extinguishing system was installed by A.B.C. Brothers. The decision to install in a panel has proven to be a smart one. Sometimes it is more efficient to protect key cabinets instead of a full room, and after fire only the small suppression unit inside the cabinet has to be replaced. Besides, detection and activation close to the source of the fire hazard means early detection and fast extinguishing. The damage to the panel that caught fire was minimal and all panels nearby were saved, no spread of fire was possible, evading a large disaster. As a result the customer would like to install our systems in all other panels in their group companies.
We want to thank the customer and A.B.C. Brothers for their trust.