
Fire knocked down in Tennessee

Published at:
March 28, 2014

On a cold morning in the winter of 2014 in Fayette country, Tennessee the DSPA 5 was used successfully in a structure fire to knock down the flames, allowing the fire fighters to attack and extinguish the fully developed fire. The following statement was written by Chief Jerry Ray (Fayette County, TN Fire Chief):

One very cold morning 5:30 AM we got a call to a structure fire.

  •       Wind 20 MPH
  •       Temperature outside 3 Degrees Fahrenheit

First engine on the scene reported:

  •       1 story brick residential structure, 1,400 sq. ft. ; 50 % involved
  •       Heavy Fire showing Alpha Bravo & Bravo Charlie sector
  •       Heavy black smoke Alpha Delta & Charlie Delta sector

The DSPA was deployed in the heavy fire area on arrival. Windows in the area had already blown out from the excessive heat. Yet in about 15 seconds the fire area was blackened out. This gave time for the firefighters to lay attack lines and set up a water supply. Once the interior attack was under way we found that in fact, the attic was also on fire but was knocked down by the DSPA as well.

I understand this was not the ideal situation to use the DSPA but understand my reason for the use.

  •       It is True most contents and much of the interior was a loss.
  •       We saved the structure that can now be rebuilt, which without the DSPA would be a total loss.
  •       We reduced knock down and overhaul by at least 4 hours. This means we required fewer personnel for relief and got companies back in service faster reducing the time personnel were subject to the extreme cold weather (3 degrees).
  •       We reduced the water needed to complete extinguishment and overhaul by at least 2/3’s.

I am extremely satisfied with the performance of the DSPA 5 and its ability to hold and extinguish fire.

Chief Jerry Ray
Fayette County Fire Department
315 East Market St
PO Box 1090
Somerville,TN 38068