DSPA.nl is continuously investing in its quality and certification program, having our production facility yearly audited under KIWA & BSI Kitemark.
DSPA Aerosol generators are CE-marked and fully certified according to the highest and most stringent international standards for condensed aerosol fire suppression systems.
Applicable international standard certificates by accredited notified bodies:
- EN 15276-1
- ISO 15779
- KIWA BRL K23001
- UL 2775
- NFPA 2010
- AS 4487
- ISO 9094
Regulatory Certificates:
- ISO 9001
- ISO 14001
- BSI Kitemark
- CE Declaration of Conformity
- EPA SNAP listing
Additional certificates issued by:
- CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Certificate of conformity
- RINA – Registro Italiano Navale, Type Approval Certificate
- ABS – American Bureau of Shipping, Product Design Assessment
- ECB – European Certification Bureau, Certificate of Compliance
* Copies of the product certificates are available for DSPA customers upon request
Other DSPA listings, certificates, approvals and test reports include:
- Preliminary investigation in accordance with UL 2775 at the Aberdeen Test Center facility in Aberdeen
- BRE Fire & Security / BRE Global, observed fire test with aerosol extinguishing system DSPA UL2127, No. 121351
- BRE Fire & Security / BRE Global, test with DSPA aerosol suppression system for prison cell fire protection, No. 246190
- Intertek ETL SEMKO, Product evaluation & test report UL 711 (Modified). No. 3145797
- RINA, condensed aerosol extinguishing system - witness report. No. 2007CS015767
- TNO quality Services BV, Product certificate of DSPA as fire extinguishing agent CEN EN15276-1, CEN EN15276-2, EN 12094, NFPA 2010, UL 2127, UL 1254, ISO-TC 21/SC 8 N 225, CEN TC 191, KIWA BRL- K23001/03. No. TQS-BRF-08-5028/nw
- TNO quality Services BV, Analyse of Aerosol compound. No. TQS-RAP-07-1215
- Fire fighting brigade Gelderland-Zuid NL, Experience and certification of DSPA-5 as a fire suppression agent for prevention of flashovers and backdrafts.
- Republic of the Philippines, Department of the interior and local government, Bureau of Fire Protection, Approval for use of DSPA Fire fighting products in Philippines.
- EMI Non profit Limited Liability Company for Quality control and innovation in building, test report EN 15276-1, EN 15276-2. No. M-570/2009
- EMI Non profit Limited Liability Company for Quality control and innovation in building, Product Certificate. No: TMT-45/2009
- Hughes Associates, Inc. DSPA Aerosol Generator ULC Witness tests UL GEL 8-06, ISO 15779. HAI #1697-000
- EPA – SNAP listing of Substitutes – Powdered Aerosol G (Dry Sprinkler Powdered Aerosol (DSPA) Fixed Generators), December 2012
- KIWA Nederland B.V., Study on DSPA 11-1 aerosol forming compound (toxological study). No 111002338
- Thales Nederland B.V., ., External qualification report – DSPA aerosol generators Environmental tests. No. 9505 330 889XX 001
- Thales Nederland B.V., External qualification report – electromagnetic compatibility of DSPA igniter according to EN 55011 and EN 61000-4-3. No. 9505 331 739XX 001
- Efectis Nederland B.V., Report regarding measurement data of tests on Condensed Dry Aerosol Generators of DSPA. No. 2012 efectis-R0570
- Efectis Nederland B.V, Determination of the extinguishing properties of DSPA. No. 2012-efectis-R0608
- DSPA-5 Test Report, Canadian Forces Fire Marshal
- Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, ISO 9001:2008 Certificate No. RQA941732
- Republic of Korea, KFI Approval DSPA 5. No. FPD03-03C(0)
- Sultanate of Oman, Civil Defense Approval,
- Kingdom of Bahrain – ministry of the interior, Civil Defense Approval
- State of Qatar, QCDD Certificate, Civil Defense Approval
- Maldives National Defense Force Cert. no. 28-LA-1/priv/2016/1894